How To Get Polio Vaccination Certificate in Pakistan 2024

Polio is a very contagious disease caused by a virus, and it mainly affects kids who are younger than five years old. When people travel from one country to another, including Pakistan, some countries require them to have a special certificate that shows they received a polio vaccination.

This article will guide you through the how to get polio vaccination certificate in Pakistan for international travelers in 2024. It will explain all the steps you need to take and what documents you will need.

By following this guide, you can make sure you have the certificate you need before you travel. Let’s get started and make sure you’re well-prepared for your journey!

Why is Polio Vaccination Required?

Polio vaccination is necessary according to the International Health Regulations to stop the transmission and spread of the poliovirus. This means that all travelers, including people living in a country or staying there for a long time, must get a polio vaccine at least four weeks before traveling internationally. It’s also important to obtain a polio vaccination certificate as proof of vaccination.

How to Get Polio Vaccination Certificate in Pakistan

To get the polio vaccination certificate in Pakistan, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official Nadra Nims page.
  2. Choose “Other Vaccinations” and select “Polio” from the options.
  3. Enter your CNIC details to begin the process.
  4. Pay the fee of 100 PKR using Easypaisa, Jazzcash, or a bank account in Pakistan.
  5. Once the payment is confirmed, you’ll receive the polio vaccination certificate.

Remember, this online process eliminates the need to visit a local Nadra office, saving you time and making it more convenient to obtain your polio vaccination certificate in Pakistan.

How to Verify Vaccine Certificate in Pakistan

Nadra has introduced a system to verify vaccine certificates, including the polio certificate. If you suspect that someone else may have created a certificate on your behalf and want to check if it’s genuine, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the verification portal on the Nadra Nims website.
  2. Enter your certificate number and captcha code.
  3. Click on the “Tasdeeq Karein” (Verify) button to retrieve information about the document.

This verification system promotes transparency and enables individuals to confirm the authenticity of their polio vaccination certificate or any other vaccine-related document.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who needs a polio vaccination certificate in Pakistan?

Everyone who is traveling internationally from Pakistan, including residents and long-term visitors, needs to have a polio vaccination certificate

What vaccines do I need for polio vaccination?

The vaccines recommended for polio vaccination are the bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (bOPV) and the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV).

When should I get the polio vaccine before traveling internationally?

It is best to get the polio vaccine at least four weeks before your international travel. This allows enough time for the vaccine to take effect and for you to obtain the vaccination certificate.

How can I pay the fees for the polio vaccination certificate?

You can pay the fees of 100 PKR through Easypaisa, Jazzcash, or any bank account in Pakistan. Choose the method that is most convenient for you.

How long is polio card valid in Pakistan?

The validity of the polio international vaccination certificate is one year. This means that the certificate remains valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance.


There you have it! We have provided a comprehensive guide on how to get polio vaccination certificate in Pakistan for international travelers in 2024. By following the outlined steps, visiting the official Nadra Nims website, and completing the necessary procedures, you can easily obtain the required certificate.

We hope you found this guide helpful in ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to explore our other informative guides in the related sections. Thank you for reading, and have a safe and enjoyable journey!

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